Collector's Cage offers an exclusive selection of vintage designer bags from brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and many more. Their online shopping universe attracts fashion enthusiasts seeking great deals and seeing the value in extending the lifespan of products.
Read here how Mathias Dahl Moslund, CEO and founder of Collector’s Cage, considers Anyday’s installment payment solution as crucial for both their sales and broadening their customer base.
Why did you choose to add Anyday to your checkout?
“We received a high number of requests for installment payments from our customers. Since we only have one of each bag, a significant FOMO (fear of missing out) arises among customers. They really want to secure that particular bag but may not have received their paycheck yet or don't have the funds to pay the full price. Therefore, customers love the option to split the payment, which Anyday allows them to do.”
How long did it take before you noticed an effect?
“The effect came relatively quickly.”
How could you see it in your sales?
“We noticed that we started selling slightly larger items to the younger segment. Previously, it was primarily older customers who bought the expensive items, as they typically have a larger disposable budget. With Anyday, even the younger generation, who might not have as much financial leeway, can purchase the products they really want.”
Why do you think Anyday works so well in your checkout?
“It works so well because it’s easy and simple for the customer. They can split the payment if they don’t have the funds to pay the full price upfront. It gives them flexibility and the ability to buy the items they want without putting too much strain on their finances at once.”
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