Number Nine surprised about how well customers welcomed Anyday


Number Nine offers the latest styles in high-end fashion from a various range of brands. Their great partnerships with suppliers guarantee a great selection of styles that fit any taste.

They target the fashionable women from 18-30 that want to differentiate themselves from the rest.

At Number Nine we were looking for an alternative installment payment provider to make sure our customers had all the necessary options to complete their purchase in whichever way they want. Anyday was a very natural choice for us, and this for two reasons:

1. The process is very simple for the customer

2. Our customers do not have to pay extra to split their payments. Not the first time, or any consecutive time they choose to come back and pay the same way.

The onboarding process was seamless. We felt like there was great communication between the Anyday consultant and the developer that set it up for us. Everything was smooth, and most importantly fast, every step of the process.

I am very impressed with how well our customers have welcomed this new way to pay and it started performing at the same level as other payment methods we offer within a very short time frame.

Quick and easy
“I am very impressed with how well our customers have welcomed this new way to pay...”
Morten Petersen, Number Nine

About Number Nine

+ 44 %
Increase in avarage order value
Women age 18-30
Target group
Shop system
March 10th 2021
Live with Anyday
Offer Anyday

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